St. Paul
Church of God in Christ

Welcome to our church. Our goal is to clearly communicate a message of hope that we have in Jesus Christ. This hope is not found in religion or anything that we can see, but only in a personal relationship with Jesus. Our Mission at St. Paul is to see you CONNECT GROW AND SERVE.
School of Theology
Thinking about furthering your Christian Education?
You can make an important decision that could significanly improve your walk with God, impact the lives of others, and influence the future of Christendom as a whole. By choosing to ern your degree can set that opportunity in motion.
St. Paul School of Theology is designed to strongly enhance the knowledge, skills and techniques used in the practice of teaching and ministry. Courses provide students with intensive study in the scriptures, developing a deeper understanding of biblical principals and stragegies in order to effectively serve in a variety of roles in ministry.
Through this program; students are given the opportunity to interact with a variety of recognized church leaders to increase their vision and deepen understanding of the purpose and goals in ministry. The degree is well-suited for pastors, teachers, missionaries, and other church leaders seeking opportunity for professional and personal growth.

Class Schedule
Wednesday 6pm - 9pm
Friday 6pm - 9pm
St. Paul School of Theology
Two Year (2) Year Course
Four (4) Semesters
Admission Fees / Cost
$300.00 Semester
We ccept personal checks or money orders
payable to:
St. Paul Church of God in Christ
For More information about St. Paul School of Thelogy
and the degrees it offers contact:
Lorraine McCaskill @ 504.710-8932
"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge"
- Hosea 4:6